Call Us : 813 -723-0113
Cognitive training doesn’t teach or reteach. The strategy is a one-on-one cognitive training program
designed to strengthen the core mental abilities that are essential for effective learning, thinking,
and problem-solving. Unlike traditional teaching or tutoring, which focuses on content, P.A.C.E.
targets the root of learning difficulties by enhancing how the brain processes, retains, and uses information.
Think P.A.C.E – It might be the solution you’ve been looking for.
If someone you know struggles with one or more of these challenges, don’t wait. Schedule a Cognitive Skills Assessment today. This critical first step evaluates the core cognitive processing skills and identifies any weaknesses that may be making learning and life unnecessarily difficult.
By this action, you can:
CALL Now to set up your appointment for a Comprehensive Skills Assessment and start the journey toward better cognitive health.
Call or text: 813-723-0113
Don’t wait – Think P.A.C.E and take the first step.
PACE-THINK can identify and treat learning problems commonly associated with the following behaviors:
When learning is easier, life is easier.
That’s because how well we learn impacts every area of our life. Including school, hobbies, sports, careers, and even everyday tasks.
If you or someone you love is struggling in school, work or life, there’s a reason. In fact, 8 out of 10 cases’, the problem isn’t related to motivation or quality of instruction, but how the brain is processing the information, in other words,
someone who is struggling is often getting the information they need to excel, but the core brain skills are struggling to grasp, remember or use the information.
If this describes you or someone you love, there’s help. Processing and Cognitive Enhancement (PACE) is a proven approach to getting measurable improvements in brain performance. WE train and strengthen the brain’s core cognitive skills, making it easier to think, read, learn, remember, and even pay attention.
When learning is difficult, many families initially turn to tutoring. Tutoring redelivers information that wasn’t grasped the first time around. That can be helpful if the information wasn’t grasped was because of missed classes or inadequate instruction.
However, if the information was delivered well the first time around, then tutoring isn’t the solution. The solution is brain training.
Brain training doesn’t teach or reteach. It improves how the brain grasps, remembers, and uses that information. Even better, the improvements, the improvements are lasting. That means brain training improves how the brain thinks, learns, and remembers, not for a single class or academic year, but for every class and in every area of life from now on.
First, a comprehensive Cognitive Skills Assessment allows us to identify any problem areas in cognitive skills. Then, we develop a customized plan to target and strengthen those weak areas. Students work one-to-one with a licensed/certified trainer, doing intense mental exercises that stimulate the brain to make lasting changes in how it performs. By working personally with each student in this manner, we can keep the process fun and motivating, while challenging students to work at the edge of their abilities.
If you or your child exhibits one or more of these behaviors, call today to schedule a Cognitive Skills Assessment to evaluate core cognitive processing skills. It’s the first step to identifying—and treating—any weak cognitive skills that are making learning and life harder than they need to be.
Individual Plans tailored to individual needs and goals One-on-one because learners need dirction and motivation, so that each client gets the attention they need. Concentration and intensity – make challenging, but not overwhelming. Exercises matched to learner’s existing level. Repetition and practice for building new brain skills. Cognitive skills need to be developed step-by-step
progressively. Start low and build up. Offer immediate feedback. Praise helps!
She was willing to help him when no one else had anything to offer
My daughter works independently and now enjoys reading
Jeremy is actually retaining information, and doing great in school and sports
Call me today to set up an appointment for a Comprehensive Skills Assessment. Unidentified and unaddressed learning problems can have long-term consequence. PACE-THINK can significantly improve weak cognitive skills.
Permanently eliminate difficulties associated with learning disabilities.
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Auditory Skills Training, Tutoring, Learning Disabilities Tutoring, Private Special Education, Advanced Brain Skills, Brain Gymnastics Tutoring, Cognitive Learning Skills, Dyslexia Tutoring, Learning Skills, Reading and Comprehension Tutoring
The comprehensive solution to permanently eliminate difficulties associated with learning disabilities.