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KAREN is so excited to share, bringing a wealth of experience and a true passion for helping all succeed. Using theoretically based, scientifically researched methods. her practice eliminates difficulties with learning disorders
Karen is committed to empowering individuals with learning challenges truly sets her apart as a leader in her field.
Karen is an Advanced Brain Technologies provider of neuroscience-based music listening programs designed to re-educate the ear.
Over 20 years of expertise in PACE (Processing and Cognitive Enhancement.
As an Educational Kinesiologist, she applies brain gymnastics and neuro-motor skills training.
She has developed the “Mastering the Code Reading System.”
Sole-Practitioner: Advanced Brain Technology Provider, Kinesiologist (in Time, Brain Gymnastics), Author Digital-Audio Textbook (Complete with instructions), Optimal Learning Skills Provider, Cognitive Learning Therapist.
Provider: Permanent optimal learning solutions are provided in:
THINK: Cognitive Processing Skills: Attention, Memory Work, Auditory Processing, Speed Processing, Visual Processing, Language Processing, Logic & Reasoning
READ: Author of a Digital Sound Textbook: ‘Reading Sounds Write.’ Decoding Speech-Phonological Awareness, Reading, Spelling, Handwriting, Writing, Comprehension Reading (through Auditory Analysis of sounds to letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, essays).
LISTEN: Advanced Brain Technology: The Listening Program that encompasses several programs of music and sound stimulation that focus on re-educating the ear and auditory pathways for increased learning, attention, communication, listening and sensory integration.
MOVE: in Time Movement, Rhythm, Balancing Brain-Body Simultaneously, Brain Gym (Kinesiology), Balametrics (Neuro-Motor Skills).
Teacher: over 25 years in California, North Carolina, Florida.
Advanced teacher at the University of Southern California-Health Behavior Research Institute, University of Phoenix. Consultant.
Master of Arts – Education (Curriculum and Instruction), Magna Cum Laude
Teaching Credentials from California, North Caroling and Florida.
Call for a free phone consultation!
Collaborates with parents, doctors, teachers, counselors, psychologists, neurologists, audiologists, optometrist, to gather essential insights and achieve optimal results.
Permanently eliminate difficulties associated with learning disabilities.
Trending Searches:
Auditory Skills Training, Tutoring, Learning Disabilities Tutoring, Private Special Education, Advanced Brain Skills, Brain Gymnastics Tutoring, Cognitive Learning Skills, Dyslexia Tutoring, Learning Skills, Reading and Comprehension Tutoring
The comprehensive solution to permanently eliminate difficulties associated with learning disabilities.