
Engaging in purposeful movement isn’t just about staying active; it’s about paving the way for improved brain function and enhanced learning capabilities. Our programs integrate movement-based activities that stimulate both the body and the mind, fostering a balanced development of motor skills, cognitive abilities, and emotional well-being.

By incorporating techniques like Kinesiology and Bal-a-Vis-X, we create an environment where students can connect their physical actions with mental processes, leading to better focus, coordination, and academic performance. These methods are not just exercises—they are foundational practices that help bridge the gap between physical activity and educational success.


Since 1995, research concerning the body/mind connection has established that movement activities activate major growth neurons and nerve nets in major areas of the brain.


We know that a coordinated series of movements with balance, produces increased neural growth factors, a greater number of neuron connections and even new nerve cell growth, especially in the frontal lobes of the brain, where complex thought, reasoning, processing, communication, and memory take place. Since these specific movements are activating nerve networks throughout the brain, in both hemispheres simultaneously, they help build the hardware needed to assure success for life-long learning.

The following movement programs effectively optimize learning at every level in all areas of life: cognitive, relationships, communication, creativity, art, music, sports, dance, and increased productivity in school and the workplace. It contributes to overall health.

These movements are drug-free, simple and highly effective. They maintain a fine-tuned mind/body system; assist comprehension and understanding; and promote more joy and enthusiasm in every area of our life.

Great Movement Programs are:

This is a program of physical activities that enhances learning and performances in all areas of the brain’s neural pathways through movement. It integrating the mind/body system to: function optimally, enhances self-control, self-responsibility and self-esteem.

This great program includes 26 easy and enjoyable targeted activities that combine body and mind to bring about rapid and often dramatic improvements in:


In Time

Improve Focus, Rhythm & Timing and Stress Response

In Time is a rhythm-based listening method developed to influence brain performance. Providing fun movement activities, using body, drum, and voice to help you keep your beat, and flow with the daily rhythm of life!

Rhythm and Timing

Timing is inherent in everything. Repetitive, rhythmic movement is calming, regulating, and organizing. These activities help improve and internalize rhythm and timing, which ultimately impacts total functioning, including (to name a few) verbal and reading fluency, coordination, social skills, organization skills, planning, sports, dancing, learning, being on time, and being in sync with the world and others.

Who Can Benefit?

In Time is used to help children, teens, and adults improve creativity, alertness, organization, cognition, interaction, attention, self-regulation, body awareness, and coordination and timing.

Learning Breakthrough is a multi-sensory brain training program designed to strengthen very basic brain processes and enable high level learning skills to flourish. While a lot of this information sounds complicated, the actual program itself is incredibly simple and easy to use by anyone age 6 and older.

The foundation of growth, development, and learning starts with sensory and motor integration. In development, the brain uses movement and sensory exploration. These stimulate and feedback drive the brain. The sensory and motor skills cannot be separated.

This program uses balance and physical movements to integrate our auditory, visual, motor planning, tactile, balance, body positioning and neurofeedback systems in order to strengthen neurotransmission and actually calibrate the brain’s functions. These systems do not act independently, but are layered upon one another, constantly interacting and coordinating over the same pathways to share information. The program’s specialized balance board activities help in many locations.

There are no memory drills, compensatory tricks or computer game interaction. Instead, through balance, motor skills and execution, feedback, planning and repetition. The program acts as a training platform to improve the brain’s processing abilities, targeting the roots of cognition and making neuroplasticity gains possible.

Let’s take a look at the Balametric’s equipment and how it works!

Balance Board

Preparing your mind to learn!

Infinity Walk was intentionally developed to encourage the neurological preparation we need to overcome any learning block involving sensory or motor nerves, as well as to help free us from limiting attitudes, beliefs, and habits.

This is why Infinity Walk can be equally helpful to a child labeled learning disabled as it can be to a dancer, or a college student, or a housewife trying to get up the courage to take the first step joining a professional world.

Multiple Intelligences of seven types include: body/kinesthetic, visual/spatial, verbal/linguistic, musical/rhythmic and interpersonal.

Living in the twenty-first century with its persistent and emergent problems and possibilities will require greater development of all types of intelligence.

Greater whole brain functioning could make us more mindful of both the extraordinary diversity and unity of life:

  • Optimal learning, growth, healing, joy, and creativity can become commonplace!
  • Use of Infinity Walk can assist individuals of all backgrounds to experience the thrilling journey. For example: ‘The Little Engine That COULD,’ when he cautiously began with “I think I can. I think I can….” And end in triumphantly with “I thought I could. I thought I could.”  “I CAN.”