About Us

Karen Brinkley

Founder/Owner/Ceo Licensed-Certified Practioner/ Ma Ed/Teacher/Author/ Kinesiologist Advanced Brain Technology Provider
KAREN is so excited to share, bringing a wealth of experience and a true passion for helping all succeed. Using theoretically based, scientifically researched methods. her practice eliminates difficulties with learning disorders

About Karen

Karen has a Heart-Centered practice. She brings a wealth of experience and a true passion for helping children and adults with learning challenges. Every day, meeting with parents who are at their ‘Wits End,’ just trying to cope and help their kids survive school. It can be so frustrating and lonely to find answers. And, despite their best efforts, these students were called lazy or not motivated. At times, some would just give up. The rest would limp through school and their self-esteem crushed. As a dedicated school teacher for over 25 years, knowing that there had to be more that could be done for these students. And, searched for some real answers to unlock their potential. Then, discovered that the difficulty lies in some of the dozen things that are called underlying learning skills. There are ways to develop these learning skills so that they no longer get in their way. Through this process, becoming a licensed/certified in PACE (Processing and Cognitive Enhancement), SAMONAS (Auditory Intervention), Kinesiology (Brain Gym, Balametrics, Infinity Walk and in Time. Since each person has unique needs, a comprehensive evaluation of the core learning skills to find strength and weaknesses are given. They can be Reading, Spelling, Comprehension, ADD, AHHD, Auditory and Visual Processing, Dyslexia, Autism, and Brain Injury, and more. No two brains are alike which is why she creates custom plans using a precise combination of programs that are unique to each person’s cognitive needs. Parents and loved ones, are also a key to providing core information, for their children and working with them as my partners.

Experience and Education

Sole-Practitioner: Advanced Brain Technology Provider, Kinesiologist (in Time, Brain Gymnastics), Author Digital-Audio Textbook (Complete with instructions), Optimal Learning Skills Provider, Cognitive Learning Therapist. 

Provider: Permanent optimal learning solutions are provided in:

THINK: Cognitive Processing Skills: Attention, Memory Work, Auditory Processing, Speed Processing, Visual Processing, Language Processing, Logic & Reasoning

READ: Author of a Digital Sound Textbook: ‘Reading Sounds Write.’ Decoding Speech-Phonological Awareness, Reading, Spelling, Handwriting, Writing, Comprehension Reading (through Auditory Analysis of sounds to letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, essays).

LISTEN: Advanced Brain Technology: The Listening Program that encompasses several programs of music and sound stimulation that focus on re-educating the ear and auditory pathways for increased learning, attention, communication, listening and sensory integration.

MOVE: in Time Movement, Rhythm, Balancing Brain-Body Simultaneously, Brain Gym (Kinesiology), Balametrics (Neuro-Motor Skills).

Teacher: over 25 years in California, North Carolina, Florida.

Advanced teacher at the University of Southern California-Health Behavior Research Institute, University of Phoenix. Consultant.

Master of Arts – Education (Curriculum and Instruction), Magna Cum Laude

Teaching Credentials from California, North Caroling and Florida.

 Call for a free phone consultation!