Is your child having difficulty with classwork and homework?

Is their memory, attention, and
problem solving slow or not working?

  • They cannot be who they really want to be, unless the Brain is working right!
  • Your Brain is the core of life!
  • Brain cells may just be sleeping… waiting to be awakened!

Let’s Find Out Reasons Why?

‘Think’ is like personal training for your mind!

  • THINK’ You have a good understanding that staying healthy requires some sort of exercise.
    But, did you know that you should actually be exercising your brain too?
  • THINK’ Brain training takes an approach that targets and strengthens the brains core thinking skills. These skills include memory, attention span, and how quickly you think. It can also build fundamental skills used for activities like reading, writing and math.
  • THINK’ Gives cognitive skills a workout that strengthens existing skills and develops new abilities.


  • Individual Plans tailored to individual needs and goals.
  • One-on-One because learners need direction and motivation, so that each client gets the attention they need. 
  • Concentration and Intensity – Make challenging, but not overwhelming. Exercises matched to learner’s existing level.
  • Repetition and Practice for building new brain skills.
  • Step-by-step Progression: Cognitive skills need to be developed step-by-step. Start at a low level and build up
  • Positive Reinforcement: Cognitive training can be fun, but it’s not always easy. Offering immediate feedback and encouragement, helps students stay energized, motivated and confident.
  • THINK’ can help anyone at any age, it can be especially helpful for students who are having trouble in school. Subject difficulties in school, the cause is often rooted in one or more of the cognitive skills.

The following are examples of the first three levels that we build from Basic Brain Skills to Advanced Brain Skills:

Key Ways Brain Training Builds
Confidence In Your Kids!

Developmental Learning SkillsThese are basic visual and motor skills that help children develop a sense of self, internal organization, body awareness and control. There are great brain and body exercises to fix these skills!

Processing SkillsThese are skills such as attention, memory, auditory and visual processing (how we think about and understand things that we see and hear), processing, language comprehension, phonemic awareness (the thinking process critical to reading). More brain exercises that increase fixing all of these skills!

Executive Function
Our personal manager that guides and directs our attention and behavior. It helps us reason, problem solve, organize and make decisions. Building more brain exercises keys in on these disorders.


Parental/Doctor Comment

  • ‘She was willing to help him when no one else had anything to offer’ 
  • ‘My daughter works independently and now enjoys reading’
  • ‘Jeremy is actually retaining information.’ 

Processing and Cognitive Enhancement!


That’s because how well we learn impacts every area of our life.
Including school, hobbies, sports, careers, and even everyday tasks.
If you or someone you love is struggling in school, work or life,
there’s a reason. In fact, 8 out of 10 cases’, the problem isn’t related to
motivation or quality of instruction, but how the brain is processing
the information, in other words, someone who is struggling is often
getting the information they need to excel, but the core brain skills are
struggling to grasp, remember or use the information.
If this describes you or someone you love, there’s help. Processing
and Cognitive Enhancement (PACE) is a proven approach to getting
measurable improvements in brain performance. WE train and
strengthen the brain’s core cognitive skills, making it easier to think,
read, learn, remember, and even pay attention.


When learning is difficult, many families initially turn to tutoring.
Tutoring redelivers information that wasn’t grasped the first time
around. That can be helpful if the reason wasn’t grasped was because
of missed classes or inadequate instruction.
However, if the information was delivered well the first time around,
then tutoring isn’t the solution. The solution is brain training.
Brain training doesn’t teach or reteach. It improves how the brain
grasps, remembers, and uses that information. Even better, the
improvements, the improvements are lasting. That means brain
training improves how the brain thinks, learns, and remembers, not
for a single class or academic year, but for every class and in every
area of life from now on.


PACE-THINK can identify and treat learning problems commonly
associated with the following behaviors:

Difficulty sitting still/Frequently disorganized.
Difficulty staying on task for any length of time.
Easily distracted.
Avoidance of word that seems complicated or hard.
Difficulty comprehending and remembering.
Problems sounding out words.
Written work takes a long time to complete.
Frequently frustrated when trying to complete a task or
Makes frequent or “careless” errors.
Copying material from a book or whiteboard takes a long time.
 Verbal instructions often need/or spelling.
Makes reversals, for example, confusing “was” and “saw” or the
letters “b” and “d.


If you or your child exhibits one or more of these behaviors, call today
to schedule a Cognitive Skills Assessment to evaluate core cognitive
processing skills. It’s the first step to identifying—and treating—any
weak cognitive skills that are making learning and life harder than
they need to be.


First, a comprehensive Cognitive Skills Assessment allows us to
identify any problem areas in cognitive skills. Then, we develop a
customized plan to target and strengthen those weak areas. Students
work one-to-one with a licensed/certified trainer, doing intense mental
exercises that stimulate the brain to make lasting changes in how it
performs. By working personally with each student in this manner, we
can keep the process fun and motivating, while challenging students
to work at the edge of their abilities.


-Auditory Processing
-Logic & Reasoning
-Processing speed
-Visual Processing


Call me today to set up an appointment for a Comprehensive
Skills Assessment. Unidentified and unaddressed learning
problems can have a long-term consequence. PACE-THINK
can significantly improve weak cognitive skills.

Can you afford to pass up this opportunity?

Call Today
